
The Real Deal

How many times have you researched a company, product, or travel destination and checked its online reviews prior to making your purchasing or booking decisions? If you’re like most adult Americans, you probably do it quite consistently—especially when a significant dollar amount is attached to the purchase. Most people feel more secure when making decisions if they are informed ones rather than blind, shoot-in-the-dark and hope-for-the-best choices. And that’s why genuine, detail-oriented online reviews are such powerful, valuable feedback outlets. A 2013 study conducted by BrightLocal found that 79 percent of buyers trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations. Part of the reason for that consumer confidence is the great lengths most reputable review sites go to in order to combat false or spam-based online reviews. In addition, savvy consumers trust their own judgment when it comes to reading online reviews—in other words, they know how to spot a fake or padded entry. At Volcano Village Lodge reviews are prized and valued resources and insight into our guests’ actual experiences. Keeping it real and encouraging the integrity of our online reviews is a top priority for us. We ask guests to provide feedback and write online reviews, but never offer an incentive, bribe, or reward to do so! Recently, I was shocked when my local car dealership mailed me a letter after a service visit to advise me about a paper (not online) survey that could be sent to me from the auto manufacturer. The pre-emptive communique from the dealership was very clear—and very sneaky. I was told that if I received the manufacturer’s survey, I should contact the dealer IMMEDIATELY if I was not going to award them a 5-star rating. However, if I presented a perfectly-scored survey to them before sealing it and sending it—I would receive a $25 gas card. I have to admit that for a split second, I considered taking the reward and fudging my real opinion—which was less than stellar. In the end, integrity won the day, and I gave my honest feedback. But I wondered how many others took the bait, favoring their wallets over their word? Luckily, I’ve had more positive experiences with online reviews and surveys. Companies that want honest feedback to better understand the needs of their customers aren’t looking to “purchase” good reviews—they’re seeking the truth. One fast-food establishment I dined at offered a free ice-cream treat for completing an online survey—but the reward was given whether the review was positive, negative, or somewhere in between. For those who’ve stayed at Volcano Village Lodge, your online reviews are invaluable resources for future guests—and help us better address the needs of our customers. Like all online reviews you choose to give, whether for us or another product, be sure to provide specific details, give examples, and provide a clear explanation of your likes and dislikes. If reading online reviews helps you make better-informed purchasing decisions, writing them will help others do the same. Be factual, honest, and to the point, ensuring that online reviews, especially those at Volcano Village Lodge continue to be the real deal!