
Lava on the Big Island

Not surprisingly, lava has been the talk of the Island—and throughout the world—for the past few weeks. With Pu’u O’o’s June 27th flow steadily advancing upon the town of Pahoa, residents and town officials are nervous, but powerless to stop the force of nature that has always been a part of Hawaii’s culture. As Pele’s lava collides with society, we’re reminded of the unique juxtaposition of beauty and devastation that so powerfully defines the Big Island.

Lava flow

What does this mean for Volcano Village Lodge and surrounding areas? Fortunately for us, the lava flow is downslope and moving towards the ocean. Here in Volcano, we are currently a 45-minute drive from the lava front. Over the past few days, the flow front has moved into a residential neighborhood, where residents have been advised to evacuate. While currently, the County of Hawaii is limiting access to residents only, upslope of Hwy 130, in the near future a viewing station should be open to the public. Meanwhile, there are several helicopter tour companies that offer aerial views of the current lava flow.

Lava flow in a field

Traffic and tourism are likely to increase in the coming weeks and months, since it’s been years since lava has been accessible by foot or car. If you’re interested in taking a last minute trip to the Big Island, be sure to book soon! Our rooms fill quickly, especially during such a momentous lava event.

hawaii lava flow

All Photos are from USGS. More photos, maps, videos, and eruption updates can be found on the USGS website.