Behind Volcano Village

Volcano Village is known to be a home for independent individuals such as, scientists, creative minds, and farmers. The peacefulness that Volcano Village radiates is the top reason people reside here. They’re looking for inspirations through the nature’s power. Your trip to Hawaii wouldn’t be complete if you didn’t visit Volcano Village. Don’t just plan on visiting the beautiful beaches of the Big Island, make sure to save time to visit the rich culture and unique beauty of Volcano Village. Some of you may have noticed while looking at the map of Hawaii, that the majority of the south, east side of the Big Island is shaded green. Well that green section, roughly the size of the Island of Oahu is the boundary for Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Volcano Village is located in the heart of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, therefore it’s perfectly nestled in the tropical forest of Hapu’u and Ohia, which are both known for their tranquility and beauty. Furthermore many believe that Volcano Village is one of the most picturesque places in the entire country, leaving one with a magical feeling and a deep sense of appreciation for nature. What to Expect? Since Volcano Village is located at around 3,800 feet above sea level, you shouldn’t expect any coconut trees and sand. Instead you’re immersed in tropical plants and lush foliage, including many native plants like Ohia with red blossoms of Lehua and Hapu’u tree ferns. Which in turn, attract many native wildlife such as the honeycreepers and I’o, Hawaiian Hawk. The weather on the other hand has the ability to quickly change so always bring a rain jacket and sweater. The people of Volcano Village calls these little rains their very own “liquid sunshine”. But of course during a sunny day, you will surely see a perfect paradise filled with vibrant colors and rainbows. Accommodations in Volcano Village If you’re going to stay and enjoy Volcano Village, there are plenty of accommodations that will surely fit your budget. Volcano Village has many bed and breakfasts, a hostel, and many family friendly vacation rentals. Most lodging places in Volcano Village offer free WiFi connection, so you can easily stay connected while enjoying the beauty of the rainforest. Stores in Volcano Village Another bonus about Volcano Village are the small convenient stores where one can buy the basics. Camera films, fuses, blades, beer, wine, canned goods, and even gasoline can be purchased at the stores. Now that you know a little about Volcano Village, it is time for you to visit and experience the goodness of the place. Visit Volcano Village to experience what it’s like to live in a perfect paradise. olcano Village is known to be a home for independent individuals such as, scientists, creative minds, and farmers. The peacefulness that Volcano Village radiates is the top reason people reside here. They’re looking for inspirations through the nature’s power. Your trip to Hawaii wouldn’t be complete if you didn’t visit Volcano Village. Don’t just plan on visiting the beautiful beaches of the Big Island, make sure to save time to visit the rich culture and unique beauty of Volcano Village. Some of you may have noticed while looking at the map of Hawaii, that the majority of the south, east side of the Big Island is shaded green. Well that green section, roughly the size of the Island of Oahu is the boundary for Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Volcano Village is located in the heart of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, therefore it’s perfectly nestled in the tropical forest of Hapu’u and Ohia, which are both known for their tranquility and beauty. Furthermore many believe that Volcano Village is one of the most picturesque places in the entire country, leaving one with a magical feeling and a deep sense of appreciation for nature. What to Expect? Since Volcano Village is located at around 3,800 feet above sea level, you shouldn’t expect any coconut trees and sand. Instead you’re immersed in tropical plants and lush foliage, including many native plants like Ohia with red blossoms of Lehua and Hapu’u tree ferns. Which in turn, attract many native wildlife such as the honeycreepers and I’o, Hawaiian Hawk. The weather on the other hand has the ability to quickly change so always bring a rain jacket and sweater. The people of Volcano Village calls these little rains their very own “liquid sunshine”. But of course during a sunny day, you will surely see a perfect paradise filled with vibrant colors and rainbows. Accommodations in Volcano Village If you’re going to stay and enjoy Volcano Village, there are plenty of accommodations that will surely fit your budget. Volcano Village has many bed and breakfasts, a hostel, and many family friendly vacation rentals. Most lodging places in Volcano Village offer free WiFi connection, so you can easily stay connected while enjoying the beauty of the rainforest. Stores in Volcano Village Another bonus about Volcano Village are the small convenient stores where one can buy the basics. Camera films, fuses, blades, beer, wine, canned goods, and even gasoline can be purchased at the stores. Now that you know a little about Volcano Village, it is time for you to visit and experience the goodness of the place. Visit Volcano Village to experience what it’s like to live in a perfect paradise.